yutaka の履歴(No.21) - PukiWiki

Yutaka ISHII (石井 豊)

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(Caf'e Daguerre at Paris, March 2011)

Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics, Kyushu University
Motooka, Fukuoka 819-0395, Japan

Email: yutaka_at_math_dot_kyushu-u_dot_ac_dot_jp

Number of visitors to this webpage: 1055


Curriculum Vitae

Name: Yutaka Ishii
Date of Birth: March 4, 1970
Place of Birth: Yokohama, Japan
Civil status: married, two children
Nationality: Japanese
Languages: Japanese > English > French

Academic degrees

Positions held

Lecture series

Research visits (long term and invited)


Research areas

Dynamical systems (in particular, low-dimensional dynamics, symbolic dynamics, and complex dynamics).

Key words are; Lozi map, kneading theory, pruning front, lap number entropy formula, monotonicity of entropy, boundary of chaos, real and complex H'enon map, Julia set, hyperbolicity, Hubbard tree, horseshoe locus.


Publications and Preprints

H'enon maps, polynomial diffeomorphisms of C^2

Lozi maps, piecewise affine/projective maps

Physics-related papers and others

Lecture notes etc



Travel Plans



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