ochiai/pv_abstract の履歴ソース(No.1) - PukiWiki
- Hideyuki Ishi,
--Analysis on regular convex cones associated to decomposable graphs.
--Regular convex cones of positive definite real symmetric matrices with
prescribed zero entries
have been studied intensively in multivariate statistics. It turned
out that analysis on the cone is quite
feasible if the zero pattern corresponds to a decomposable graph.
Indeed, an explicit formula is known
for the Fourier-Laplace transform of a product of powers of minors
over the cone. Inspired by these statistic works,
we develop analysis on the cone in a similar way to theory of
homogeneous cones. In particular, we consider
Riesz distributions on the cone and associated b-functions.

-Yumiko Hironaka
--Spherical functions on certain $p$-adic homogeneous spaces, and their
relation to PV-theory

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