yutaka の履歴差分(No.3) - PukiWiki

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Yutaka ISHII ~
associate professor ~
Department of Mathematics, Kyushu University ~
Motooka, Fukuoka 819-0395, Japan ~


*Publications and Preprints [#t830a1d2]

**Henon maps, polynomial diffeomorphisms of C^2 [#ma01ac09]

- Hyperbolic polynomial diffeomorphisms of C^2. I: A non--planar map. ~
Adv. Math. 218, no. 2, pp. 417-464 (2008).

- Hyperbolic polynomial diffeomorphisms of C^2. II: Hubbard trees. ~
Adv. Math. 220, no. 4, pp. 985-1022 (2009).

- Corrigendum to the article above, Adv. Math. 226, no. 4, pp. 3850-3855 (2011).

- Homotopy shadowing. (with J.Smillie) ~
Amer. J. Math. 132, no. 4, pp. 987-1029 (2010).

- Hyperbolic polynomial diffeomorphisms of C^2. III: Iterated monodromy groups. ~
In preparation (2011).

- On the parameter loci of the Henon family. (with Z.Arai) ~
In preparation (2011).

**Lozi maps, piecewise affine/projective maps [#l4929a55]

- Towards a kneading theory for Lozi mappings I: A solution of the pruning front conjecture and the first tangency problem. ~
Nonlinearity 10, no. 3, pp. 731--747 (1997).

- Towards a kneading theory for Lozi mappings II: Monotonicity of the topological entropy and Hausdorff dimension of attractors. ~
Commun. Math. Phys. 190, no. 2, pp. 375--394 (1997).

- Monotonicity of the Lozi family near the tent-maps. (with D.Sands) ~
Commun. Math. Phys. 198, no. 2, pp. 397--406 (1998).

- Lap number entropy formula for piecewise affine and projective maps in several dimensions. (with D.Sands) ~
Nonlinearity 20, no. 12, 2755--2772 (2007).
Corrigendum: Nonlinearity 21, no. 6, pp. 1411-1411 (2008).

- On some conjectures concerning the entropy of Lozi maps. (with D.Sands) ~
In preparation (2011).

**Physics-related papers and others [#je3ccdd9]

- Quantum tunneling phenomena and complex dynamics. ~
Unpublished manuscript (1999).

- Julia set describes quantum tunnelling in the presence of chaos. (with A.Shudo and K.S.Ikeda) ~
J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 35, no. 17, L225--L231 (2002).

- Note on a paper by Kawasaki and Sasa on Bernoulli coupled map lattices. ~
J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 39, no. 45, 14043--14046 (2006).

- Chaos attracts tunneling trajectories: A universal mechanism of chaotic tunneling. (with A.Shudo and K.S.Ikeda) ~
Europhys. Lett. 81, no. 5, 50003 (2008).

- Julia sets and chaotic tunneling I. (with A.Shudo and K.S.Ikeda) ~
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42, article number 265101 (26pp), (2009).

- Julia sets and chaotic tunneling II. (with A.Shudo and K.S.Ikeda) ~
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42, article number 265102 (34pp), (2009).

*Lecture notes etc [#d69523fa]

- On some results of Bedford and Smillie concerning the complex dynamics of C^2. (in Japanese) ~
Kyoto University RIMS Kokyuroku, No. 1042, pp. 193--220 (1998). 

- Physical phenomena and complex dynamics. (in Japanese) ~
Suuri Kagaku (2002).

- Dynamics of the complex Henon maps and the first tangency problem (after Bedford and Smillie). ~
Notes for lectures at Ryukoku University (2002).

- Discrete integrable systems and discrete dynamical systems. (in Japanese) ~
Suuri Kagaku (2003).

*Books [#u6ca74d7]

- Japanese translation of "An Introduction to Chaotic Dynamical Systems" by R.Devaney (with H.Kokubu, M.Kisaka and S.Nii). ~
Kyoritsu Publisher.


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