iwase/itonikiP の変更点 - PukiWiki

- gloss-japanese.ldf  (version 0.2.1)  --- gloss-nihongo is [[here>../itoniki]]&br;
for [[polyglossia - a babel replacement for XeLaTeX>http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/xetex/latex/polyglossia/polyglossia.pdf]]
I started to use [[XeLaTeX in April 2006>http://www2.math.kyushu-u.ac.jp/~iwase/Archives/XeTeX.html]] to prepare lecture notes for an extension course, and then I gradually transfer my tex environments to fit with [[XeLaTeX]] including latex-beamer.
To complete the transfer from Japanese latex to xelatex, there was an issue to create some Japanese localisation file for [[polyglossia]] to resolve some incompatibilities between Japanese

To complete the transfer from Japanese latex to xelatex, there was an issue to create some Japanese localisation file for [[polyglossia]] to resolve some incompatibilities between Japanese and

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