ochiai/gotoItoCampusDetail の変更点 - PukiWiki

This is an instruction for beginner on Ito campus to come to Ito campus([[overview>ochiai/gotoItoCampus]])

- Take a metro with the destination either Chikuzen Maebaru, Karatsu, NIshi-karatu, or Chikuzen Fukae.
- Don't take a metro with the destination either Fukuoka Kuko (Airport), Kaizuka, Nishijin,or  Meinohama.

JR KyudaiGakkentoshi station
JR Kyudai Gakkentoshi station
- Use the north exit of the station.  Note that the direction of the train is west.

Bus from JR station
- Don't take a bus with the destination: Nishinoura. However, the frequency of this bus is so rare.
Almost all the buses go to Kyudai Ito Campus.

Bus stop
- Get off at Rigakubu-mae (Science dept).
- The order of the bus stop in the campus is Big Orange, Science, Engineering.
- Building W1 is No. 25 of [[the map>http://www.kyushu-u.ac.jp/access/map/ito/ito.html]]
- Math and IMI is sections C and D, with 5,6,7th floors of the building W1.
- Campus map is available near the bus stop.
- One of the elevator is located at the entrance of section D.
- Entrance of section D is 2nd floor.  Auditorium is at 4th floor in section D.  You may use stairs if you don't mind.

- Cafeteria (set menu in Japanese style, noodle, etc.), Lawson, etc are close to W1 building.

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